
Technical documentation for ArchivesSpace

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Working with the ArchivesSpace Database

The ArchivesSpace database stores all data that is created within an ArchivesSpace instance. As described in other sections of this documentation, the backend code - particularly the model layer and ASModel_crud.rb file - uses the Sequel database toolkit to bridge the gap between this underlying data and the JSON objects which are exchanged by the other components of the system.

Often, querying the database directly is the most efficient and powerful way to retrieve data from ArchivesSpace. It is also possible to use raw SQL queries to create custom reports that can be run by users in the staff interface. Please consult the Custom Reports section of this documentation for additional information on creating custom reports.

It is recommended that ArchivesSpace be run against MySQL in production, not the included demo database. Instructions on setting up ArchivesSpace to run against MySQL are here.

The examples in this section are written for MySQL. There are many freely-available tutorials on the internet which can provide guidance to those unfamiliar with MySQL query syntax and the features of the language.

NOTE: the documentation below is current through database schema version 129, application version 2.7.1.

Database Overview

The ArchivesSpace database schema and it’s mapping to the JSONModel objects used by the other parts of the system is defined by the files in the common/schemas and backend/models directories. The database itself is created via the setup-database script in the scripts directory. This script runs the migrations in the common/db/migrations directory.

The tables in the ArchivesSpace database can be grouped into several general categories:

One way to get a view of all tables and columns in your ArchivesSpace instance is to run the following query in a MySQL client:

  #change the following value to whatever your database is named
  WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA Like 'archivesspace'

Additionally, a BETA version of an ArchivesSpace data dictionary has been created by members of the ArchivesSpace development team and the ArchivesSpace User Advisory Council Reports team.

Main record tables

These tables hold data about the primary record types in ArchivesSpace. Main record types are distinguished from subrecords in that they have their own persistent URIs - corresponding to their database identifiers/primary keys - that are resolvable via the staff interface, public interface, and API. They are distinguished from supporting records in that they are the primary descriptive record types that users will interact with in the system.

All of these records, except archival objects, can be created independently of any other record. Archival object records represent components of a larger entity, and so they must have a resource record as a root parent. See the parent/child relationships section for more information about the representation of hierarchical relationships in the database.

A few common fields occur in several main record tables. These similar fields are defined by the parent schemas in the common/schemas directory:

Column Name Tables
title accession, archival_object, digital_object, digital_object_component, resource
identifier/component_id/digital_object_id accession, resource/archival_object, digital_object_component/digital_object
other_level archival_object, resource
repository_processing_note archival_object, resource

All of the main records have a set of fields which store boolean values (0 or 1) that indicate whether the records are published in the public user interface, suppressed in the staff interface, or have some kind of applicable restriction. The exception to this is the repository table, which does not have a restriction boolean, but does have a hidden boolean. The accession table has multiple restriction-related booleans. See the section below for more information about boolean fields.

Beginning in version 2.6.0, the main record tables (and some supporting records - see below) also contain fields which hold data about archival resource keys (ARKs) and human-readable URLs (slugs):

Column Name Tables
slug accession, archival_object, digital_object, digital_object_component, repository, resource
external_ark_url archival_object, resource

Also stored in these and all other tables are enumeration values, foreign keys which correspond to database identifiers in the enumeration_value table, which stores controlled values. See enumeration section below for more detail.

All subrecord data types - i.e. dates, extents, instances - relating to a main or supporting record are stored in their own tables and linked to main or supporting records via foreign key references in the subrecord tables. See subrecord section below for more detail.

The remaining data in the main record tables is text, and is unique to each table:

accession content_description YES text  
accession condition_description YES text  
accession disposition YES text  
accession inventory YES text  
accession provenance YES text  
accession general_note YES text  
accession accession_date YES date  
accession retention_rule YES text  
accession access_restrictions_note YES text  
accession use_restrictions_note YES text  
archival_object ref_id NO varchar(255) MUL
digital_object_component label YES varchar(255)  
repository repo_code NO varchar(255) UNI
repository name NO varchar(255)  
repository org_code YES varchar(255)  
repository parent_institution_name YES varchar(255)  
repository url YES varchar(255)  
repository image_url YES varchar(255)  
repository contact_persons YES text  
repository description YES text  
repository oai_is_disabled YES int  
repository oai_sets_available YES text  
resource ead_id YES varchar(255)  
resource ead_location YES varchar(255)  
resource finding_aid_title YES text  
resource finding_aid_filing_title YES text  
resource finding_aid_date YES varchar(255)  
resource finding_aid_author YES text  
resource finding_aid_language_note YES varchar(255)  
resource finding_aid_sponsor YES text  
resource finding_aid_edition_statement YES text  
resource finding_aid_series_statement YES text  
resource finding_aid_note YES text  
resource finding_aid_subtitle YES text  

Supporting record tables

Like the main record types listed above, supporting records can also be created independently of other records, and are addressable in the staff interface and API via their own URI. However, they are primarily meaningful via their many-to-many linkages to the main record types (and, sometimes, other supporting record types). These records typically provide additional information about, or otherwise enhance, the primary record types. A few supporting record types - for instance those in the term table - are used to enhance other supporting record types.

Supporting module tables Linked to
classification accession, resource
classification_term classification, accession, resource
container_profile top_container
location_profile location
subject resource, archival_object
term subject
vocabulary subject, term
assessment_attribute_definition assessment_attribute, assessment_attribute_note

Subrecord tables

Subrecords must be associated with a main or supporting record - they cannot be created independently. As such, they do not have their own URIs, and can only be accessed via the API by retrieving the top-level record with which they are associated. In the staff interface these records are embedded within main or supporting record views. In the API subrecord data is contained in arrays within main or supporting records.

The various subrecord types do have their own database tables. In addition to data specific to the subrecord type, the tables also contain foreign key columns which hold the database identifiers of main or supporting records. Subrecord tables must have a value in one of the foreign key fields. Some subrecords can have another subrecord as parent (for instance, the sub_container subrecord has instance_id as its foreign key column).

Subrecords exist in a one-to-many relationship with their parent records, so a record’s id may appear multiple times in a subrecord table (i.e. when there are two dates associated with a resource record).

It is important to note that subrecords are deleted and recreated upon each save of the main or supporting record with which they are associated, regardless of whether the subrecord itself is modified. This means that the database identifier is deleted and reassigned upon each save.

Subrecord tables Foreign keys
agent_contact agent_person_id, agent_family_id, agent_corporate_entity_id, agent_software_id
date accession_id, deaccession_id, archival_object_id, resource_id, event_id, digital_object_id, digital_object_component_id, related_agents_rlshp_id, agent_person_id, agent_family_id, agent_corporate_entity_id, agent_software_id, name_person_id, name_family_id, name_corporate_entity_id, name_software_id
extent accession_id, deaccession_id, archival_object_id, resource_id, digital_object_id, digital_object_component_id
external_document accession_id, archival_object_id, resource_id, subject_id, agent_person_id, agent_family_id, agent_corporate_entity_id, agent_software_id, rights_statement_id, digital_object_id, digital_object_component_id, event_id
external_id subject_id, accession_id, archival_object_id, collection_management_id, digital_object_id, digital_object_component_id, event_id, location_id, resource_id
file_version digital_object_id, digital_object_component_id
instance resource_id, archival_object_id, accession_id
name_authority_id name_person_id, name_family_id, name_software_id, name_corporate_entity_id
name_corporate_entity agent_corporate_entity_id
name_family agent_family_id
name_person agent_person_id
name_software agent_software_id
note resource_id, archival_object_id, digital_object_id, digital_object_component_id, agent_person_id, agent_corporate_entity_id, agent_family_id, agent_software_id, rights_statement_act_id, rights_statement_id
note_persistent_id note_id, parent_id
revision_statement resource_id
rights_restriction resource_id, archival_object_id
rights_restriction_type rights_restriction_id
rights_statement accession_id, archival_object_id, resource_id, digital_object_id, digital_object_component_id, repo_id
rights_statement_act rights_statement_id
sub_container instance_id
telephone agent_contact_id
user_defined accession_id, resource_id, digital_object_id
ark_name archival_object_id, resource_id
assessment_attribute_note assessment_id
assessment_attribute assessment_id
lang_material archival_object_id, resource_id, digital_object_id, digital_object_component_id
language_and_script lang_material_id
collection_management accession_id, resource_id, digital_object_id
location_function location_id

Relationship tables

These tables exist to enable linking between main records and supporting records. Relationship tables are necessary because, unlike subrecord tables, supporting record tables do not include foreign keys which link them to the main record tables.

Most relationship tables have the _rlshp suffix in their names. They typically contain just the primary keys for the tables that are being linked, though a few tables also include fields that are specific to the relationship between the two record types.

Relationship/linking tables Tables linked
assessment_reviewer_rlshp assessment to agent_person
assessment_rlshp assessment to accession, archival_object, resource, or digital_object
classification_creator_rlshp classification to agent_person, agent_family, agent_corporate_entity, or agent_software
classification_rlshp classification or classification_term to resource or accession
classification_term_creator_rlshp classification_term to agent_person, agent_family, agent_corporate_entity, or agent_software
event_link_rlshp event to accession, resource, archival_object, digital_object, digital_object_component, agent_person, agent_family, agent_corporate_entity, agent_software, or top_container. Also includes the role_id table, which can be joined with the enumeration_value table to return the event role (source, outcome, transfer, context)
instance_do_link_rlshp digital_object to instance
linked_agents_rlshp agent_person, agent_software, agent_family, or agent_corporate_entity to accession, archival_object, digital_object, digital_object_component, event, or resource. Also includes the role_id and relator_id tables, which can be joined with the enumeration_value table
location_profile_rlshp location to location_profile
owner_repo_rlshp location to repository
related_accession_rlshp Links a row in the accession table to another row in the accession table. Also includes fields for relator and relationship type.
related_agents_rlshp agent_person, agent_corporate_entity, agent_software, or agent_family to other agent tables, or two rows in the same agent table. Also includes fields for relator and description, and the type of relationship.
spawned_rlshp accession to resource. This contains all linked accession data, even if the resource was not spawned from the accession record.
subject_rlshp subject to accession, archival_object, resource, digital_object, or digital_object_component
surveyed_by_rlshp assessment to agent_person
top_container_housed_at_rlshp top_container to location. Also includes fields for start_date, end_date, status, and a free-text note.
top_container_link_rlshp top_container to sub_container
top_container_profile_rlshp top_container to container_profile
subject_term subject to term
linked_agent_term linked_agents_rlshp to term

It is not always obvious which relationship tables will provide the desired results. For instance, to get a box list for a given resource record, enter the following query into a MySQL editor:

 SELECT DISTINCT 	CONCAT('/repositories/', resource.repo_id, '/resources/', as resource_uri
 	, resource.identifier
 	, resource.title
 	, tc.barcode as barcode
 	, tc.indicator as box_number
 FROM sub_container sc
 JOIN top_container_link_rlshp tclr on tclr.sub_container_id =
 JOIN top_container tc on tclr.top_container_id =
 JOIN instance on sc.instance_id =
 JOIN archival_object ao on instance.archival_object_id =
 JOIN resource on ao.root_record_id =
 #change to your desired resource id
 WHERE = 4556

Sometimes numerous relationship tables must be joined to retrieve the desired results. For instance, to get all boxes and folders for a given resource record, including any container profiles and locations, enter the following query into a MySQL editor:

 SELECT CONCAT('/repositories/', tc.repo_id, '/top_containers/', as tc_uri
 	, CONCAT('/repositories/', resource.repo_id, '/resources/', as resource_uri
 	, CONCAT('/repositories/', resource.repo_id) as repo_uri
 	, CONCAT('/repositories/', ao.repo_id, '/archival_objects/', as ao_uri
 	, resource.identifier AS resource_identifier
 	, resource.title AS resource_title
   , ao.display_string AS ao_title
   , ev2.value AS level
   , tc.barcode AS barcode
 	, AS container_profile
 	, tc.indicator AS container_num
   , ev.value AS sc_type
   , sc.indicator_2 AS sc_num
 from sub_container sc
 JOIN top_container_link_rlshp tclr on tclr.sub_container_id =
 JOIN top_container tc on tclr.top_container_id =
 LEFT JOIN top_container_profile_rlshp tcpr on tcpr.top_container_id =
 LEFT JOIN container_profile cp on = tcpr.container_profile_id
 LEFT JOIN top_container_housed_at_rlshp tchar on tchar.top_container_id =
 JOIN instance on sc.instance_id =
 JOIN archival_object ao on instance.archival_object_id =
 JOIN resource on ao.root_record_id =
 LEFT JOIN enumeration_value ev on = sc.type_2_id
 LEFT JOIN enumeration_value ev2 on = ao.level_id
 #change to your desired resource id
 WHERE = 4223


All controlled values used by the application - excluding tool-tips and frontend/public display values and the values that are stored a few of the supporting record tables (see below) - are stored in a table called enumeration_values. Controlled values are organized into a variety of parent enumerations (akin to a set of distinct controlled value lists) which are utilized by different record and subrecord types. Parent enumeration data is stored in the enumeration table and is linked by foreign key in the enumeration_id field in the enumeration_value table. In the record and subrecord tables, enumeration values appear as foreign keys in a variety of foreign key columns, usually identified by an _id suffix.

ArchivesSpace comes with a standard set of controlled values, but most of these are modifiable by end-users via the staff interface and API. However, some values in the enumeration_value table are read-only - these values define the terminology and data types used in different parts of the application (i.e. the various note types).

Enumeration IDs appear as foreign keys in a variety of database tables:

table_name column_name enumeration_name
accession acquisition_type_id accession_acquisition_type
accession resource_type_id accession_resource_type
agent_contact salutation_id agent_contact_salutation
archival_object level_id archival_record_level
collection_management processing_priority_id collection_management_processing_priority
collection_management processing_status_id collection_management_processing_status
collection_management processing_total_extent_type_id extent_extent_type_id
container_profile dimension_units_id dimension_units
date calendar_id date_calendar
date certainty_id date_certainty
date date_type_id date_type
date era_id date_era
date label_id date_label
deaccession scope_id deaccession_scope
digital_object digital_oject_type_id digital_object_digital_object_type
digital_object level_id digital_object_level
event event_type_id event_event_type
event outcome_id event_outcome
extent extent_type_id extent_extent_type
extent portion_id extent_portion
external_document identifier_type_id rights_statement_external_document_identifier_type
file_version checksum_method_id file_version_checksum_methods
file_version file_format_name_id file_version_file_format_name
file_version use_statement_id file_version_use_statement
file_version xlink_actuate_attribute_id file_version_xlink_actuate_attribute
file_version xlink_show_attribute_id file_version_xlink_show_attribute
instance instance_type_id instance_instance_type
language_and_script language_id  
language_and_script script_id  
location temporary_id location_temporary
location_function location_function_type_id location_function_type
location_profile dimension_units_id dimension_units
name_corporate_entity rules_id name_rule
name_corporate_entity source_id name_source
name_family rules_id name_rule
name_family source_id name_source
name_person name_order_id name_person_name_order
name_person rules_id name_rule
name_person source_id name_source
name_software rules_id name_rule
name_software source_id name_source
repository country_id country_iso_3166
resource finding_aid_description_rules_id resource_finding_aid_description_rules
resource finding_aid_language_id  
resource finding_aid_script_id  
resource finding_aid_status_id resource_finding_aid_status
resource level_id archival_record_level
resource resource_type_id resource_resource_type
rights_restriction_type restriction_type_id restriction_type
rights_statement jurisdiction_id  
rights_statement other_rights_basis_id rights_statement_other_rights_basis
rights_statement rights_type_id rights_statement_rights_type
rights_statement status_id  
rights_statement_act act_type_id rights_statement_act_type
rights_statement_act restriction_id rights_statement_act_restriction
rights_statement_pre_088 ip_status_id rights_statement_ip_status
rights_statement_pre_088 jurisdiction_id  
rights_statement_pre_088 rights_type_id rights_statement_rights_type
sub_container type_2_id container_type
sub_container type_3_id container_type
subject source_id subject_source
telephone number_type_id telephone_number_type
term term_type_id subject_term_type
top_container type_id container_type

To translate the enumeration ID that appears in the record and subrecord tables, join the enumeration_value table. The table can be joined multiple times if there are multiple values to translate, but you must use an alias for each table. For example:

SELECT CONCAT('/repositories/', ao.repo_id, '/archival_objects/', as ao_uri
  , ao.display_string as ao_title
  , date.begin
  , date.end
  , ev.value as date_label
  , ev2.value as date_type
  , ev3.value as date_calendar
FROM archival_object ao
LEFT JOIN date on date.archival_object_id =
LEFT JOIN enumeration_value ev on = date.label_id
LEFT JOIN enumeration_value ev2 on = date.date_type_id
LEFT JOIN enumeration_value ev3 on = date.calendar_id

NOTE: container_profile, location_profile, and assessment_attribute_definition records are similar to the records in the enumeration_value table in that they store controlled values which are referenced by other parts of the system. However, they differ in that they have their own tables and are addressable via their own URIs.

User, setting, and permission tables

These tables store user and permissions information, user/repository/global preferences, and RDE and custom report templates.

Table name Description
custom_report_template Custom report templates
default_values Default values settings
group Data about permission groups created by each repository
group_permission Links the permission table to the group table
group_user Links the group table to the user table
oai_config Configuration data for OAI-PMH harvesting
permission All permission types that can be assigned to users
preference User preference data
rde_template RDE templates
required_fields Contains repository-defined required fields
user User data

Job tables

These tables store data related to background jobs, including imports.

Table name Description
job All jobs which have been run in an ArchivesSpace instance.
job_created_record Records created via background jobs
job_input_file Data about input files used in background jobs
job_modified_record Data about records modified via background jobs

System tables

These tables track actions taken against the database (i.e. edits and deletes), system events, session and authorization data, and database information. These tables are typically not referenced by any other table.

Table name Description
active_edit Records being actively edited by a user. Read-only system table
auth_db Authentication data for users. Read-only system table
deleted_records Records deleted in the past 24 hours. Read-only system table
notification Notifications stream. Read-only system table
schema_info Contains the database schema version. Read-only system table.
sequence The value corresponds to the number of children the archival object has - 1. Read-only system table
session Recent session data. Read-only system table
system_event System event data. Read-only system table

Parent-Child Relationships and Sequencing

Repository-scoped records

Many main and supporting records are scoped to a particular repository. In these tables the parent repository is identified by a foreign key which corresponds to the database identifier in the repository table:

Column name Description Example Found in
repo_id The database ID of the parent repository 12 accession, archival_object, assessment, assessment_attribute_definition, classification, classification_term, custom_report_template, default_values, digital_object, digital_object_component, event, group, job, preference, required_fields, resource, rights_statement, top_container

Parent/child relationships

Hierarchical relationships between other records are also expressed through foreign keys:

Column name Description Example PK Tables Found in
root_record_id The database ID of the root parent record 4566 resource, digital_object, classification archival_object, digital_object_component, classification_term
parent_id The database ID of the immediate parent record. This is used to identify parent records which are of the same type as the child record (i.e. two archival object records). The value will be NULL if the only parent is the root record. 1748121 archival_object, classification_term, digital_object_component archival_object, classification_term, digital_object_component, note_persistent_id
parent_name The database ID or URI, and the record type of the immediate parent 144@archival_object, root@/repositories/2/resources/2 resource, archival_object, classification, classification_term, digital_object, digital_object_component archival_object, classification_term, digital_object_component

Beginning with MySQL 8, you can recursively retrieve all parents of an archival object (or all archival objects linked to a resource) by running the following query:

    , ao1.display_string
    , ao1.component_id
    , ao1.parent_id
    , ev.value as `ao_level`
    , 1 as level
   FROM archival_object ao1
   LEFT JOIN enumeration_value ev on = ao1.level_id
   WHERE = <your ao id>
   <!-- to get all trees for a resource change to: WHERE ao1.root_record_id = <your root_record_id> -->
    , ao2.display_string
    , ao2.component_id
    , ao2.parent_id
    , ev.value as `ao_level`
    , ao_path.level + 1 as level
   FROM ao_path
   JOIN archival_object ao2 on ao_path.parent_id =
   LEFT JOIN enumeration_value ev on = ao2.level_id)
   SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(display_string, ' ', ' (', CONCAT(UPPER(SUBSTRING(ao_level,1,1)),LOWER(SUBSTRING(ao_level,2))), ' ', IF(component_id is not NULL, CAST(component_id as CHAR), "N/A"), ')') ORDER BY level DESC SEPARATOR ' > ') as tree
   FROM ao_path;

To retrieve all children (MySQL 8+):

To retrieve both parents and children (MySQL 8+):

To retrieve all parents of a record in MySQL 5.7 and below, run the following query:

SELECT (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(display_string, ' (', ao_level, ')') SEPARATOR ' < ') as parent_path
		FROM (SELECT T2.display_string as display_string
					, ev.value as ao_level
			  FROM (SELECT @r AS _id
						, @p := @r AS previous
						, (SELECT @r := parent_id FROM archival_object WHERE id = _id) AS parent_id
						, @l := @l + 1 AS lvl
      				FROM ((SELECT @r := 1749840, @p := 0, @l := 0) AS vars,
           					archival_object h)
      					   WHERE @r <> 0 AND @r <> @p) AS T1
			  JOIN archival_object T2 ON T1._id =
			  LEFT JOIN enumeration_value ev on = T2.level_id
			  WHERE != 1749840
			  ORDER BY T1.lvl DESC) as all_parents) as p_path
	 , ao.display_string
	 , CONCAT('/repositories/', ao.repo_id, '/archival_objects/', as uri
FROM archival_object ao
WHERE = 1749840

To retrieve all children of a record (MysQL 5.7 and below):


The ordering of records in a resource, classification, or digital_object tree is determined by the position field. The position field is also used to order values in the enumeration_value and assessment_attribute_definition tables:

Column name Description Example Found in
position The position of the archival object under the immediate parent 168000 enumeration_value, assessment_attribute_definition, classification_term, digital_object_component, archival_object

Boolean fields

Many records and subrecords include fields which contain integers (0 or 1) corresponding to boolean values.

Boolean fields Description Found in
publish   subnote_metadata, file_version, external_document, accession, classification, agent_person, agent_family, agent_software, agent_corporate_entity, classification_term, revision_statement, repository, note, digital_object, digital_object_component, archival_object, resource
suppressed   accession, archival_object, assessment_reviewer_rlshp, assessment_rlshp, classification, classification_creator_rlshp, classification_rlshp, classification_term, classification_term_creator_rlshp, digital_object, digital_object_component, enumeration_value, event, event_link_rlshp, instance_do_link_rlshp, linked_agents_rlshp, location_profile_rlshp, owner_repo_rlshp, related_accession_rlshp, related_agents_rlshp, resource, spawned_rlshp, surveyed_by_rlshp, top_container_housed_at_rlshp, top_container_link_rlshp, top_container_profile_rlshp
restrictions_apply   accession, archival_object

Read-Only Fields

Several system generated, read-only fields appear across many tables. These include database identifiers, timestamps that track record creation and modification, and fields that record the username of the user that created and last modified the each record.

Most common read-only fields Description
id (primary key) Database identifier for each record
system_mtime The last time the record was modified by the system
created_by The user that created a record
last_modified_by The user that last modified a record
user_mtime The time that a record was last modified by a user
create_time The time that a record was created
lock_version This field is incrementally updated each time a record is updated. This provides a method of tracking updates and managing near-simultaneous edits by different users.
json_schema_version The JSON schema version
aspace_relationship_position The position of a linked record in a list of other linked records
is_slug_auto A boolean value that indicates whether a slug was auto-generated
system_generated A boolean value that indicates whether a field was system-generated
display_string A system-generated field which concatenates the title and date fields of an archival object record

NOTE: for subrecord tables these fields may hold unexpected data - because subrecords are deleted and recreated upon each save of a main or supporting record, their create and modification times will also be recreated and will not reflect the original creation date of the subrecord itself. For resource records, the timestamp only records the time that the resource itself was modified, not the last time any of its components were modified.