
Technical documentation for ArchivesSpace

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Running ArchivesSpace with load balancing and multiple tenants

This document describes two aspects of running ArchivesSpace in a clustered environment: for load-balancing purposes, and for supporting multiple tenants (isolated installations of the system in a common deployment environment).

The configuration described in this document is one possible approach, but it is not intended to be prescriptive: the application layer of ArchivesSpace is stateless, so any mechanism you prefer for load balancing across web applications should work just as well as the one described here.

Unless otherwise stated, it is assumed that you have root access on your machines, and all commands are to be run as root (or with sudo).

Architecture overview

This document assumes an architecture with the following components:

Overview of files

The files directory in this repository (in the same directory as this contains what will become the contents of the /aspace directory, shared by all servers. It has the following layout:

 ├── archivesspace
 │   ├── config
 │   │   ├── config.rb
 │   │   └── tenant.rb
 │   ├── software
 │   └── tenants
 │       └── \_template
 │           └── archivesspace
 │               ├── config
 │               │   ├── config.rb
 │               │   └── instance_hostname.rb.example
 │               └──
 └── nginx
     └── conf
         ├── common
         │   └── server.conf
         └── tenants
             └── \_template.conf.example

The highlights:

Getting started

We’ll assume you already have the following ready to go:

Populate your /aspace/ directory

Start by copying the directory structure from files/ into your /aspace volume. This will contain all of the configuration files shared between servers:

 mkdir /var/tmp/aspace/
 cd /var/tmp/aspace/
 unzip -x /path/to/
 cp -av archivesspace/clustering/files/* /aspace/

You can do this on any machine that has access to the shared /aspace/ volume.

Install the cluster init script

On your application servers (apps1 and apps2) you will need to install the supplied init script:

 cp -a /aspace/aspace-cluster.init /etc/init.d/aspace-cluster
 chkconfig --add aspace-cluster

This will start all configured instances when the system boots up, and can also be used to start/stop individual instances.

Install and configure Nginx

You will need to install Nginx on your loadbalancer machine, which you can do by following the directions at Using the pre-built packages for your platform is fine. At the time of writing, the process for CentOS is simply:

 rpm -i nginx-release-centos-6-0.el6.ngx.noarch.rpm
 yum install nginx

Nginx will place its configuration files under /etc/nginx/. For now, the only change we need to make is to configure Nginx to load our tenants’ configuration files. To do this, edit /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf and add the line:

 include /aspace/nginx/conf/tenants/\*.conf;

Note: the location of Nginx’s main config file might vary between systems. Another likely candidate is /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.

Download the ArchivesSpace distribution

Rather than having every tenant maintain their own copy of the ArchivesSpace software, we put a shared copy under /aspace/archivesspace/software/ and have each tenant instance refer to that copy. To set this up, run the following commands on any one of the servers:

 cd /aspace/archivesspace/software/
 unzip -x /path/to/downloaded/
 mv archivesspace archivesspace-x.y.z
 ln -s archivesspace-x.y.z stable

Note that we unpack the distribution into a directory containing its version number, and then assign that version the symbolic name “stable”. This gives us a convenient way of referring to particular versions of the software, and we’ll use this later on when setting up our tenant.

We’ll be using MySQL, which means we must make the MySQL connector library available. To do this, place it in the lib/ directory of the ArchivesSpace package:

 cd /aspace/archivesspace/software/stable/lib

Defining a new tenant

With our server setup out of the way, we’re ready to define our first tenant. As shown in Overview of files above, each tenant has their own directory under /aspace/archivesspace/tenants/ that holds all of their configuration files. In defining our new tenant, we will:

Our newly defined tenant won’t initially have any ArchivesSpace instances, but we’ll set those up afterwards.

To complete the remainder of this process, there are a few bits of information you will need. In particular, you will need to know:

Creating a Unix account

Although not strictly required, for security and ease of system monitoring it’s a good idea to have each tenant instance running under a dedicated Unix account.

We will call our new tenant exampletenant, so let’s create a user and group for them now. You will need to run these commands on both application servers (apps1 and apps2):

 groupadd --gid 2000 exampletenant
 useradd --uid 2000 --gid 2000 exampletenant

Note that we specify a UID and GID explicitly to ensure they match across machines.

Creating the database

ArchivesSpace assumes that each tenant will have their own MySQL database. You can create this from the MySQL shell:

 create database exampletenant default character set utf8;
 grant all on exampletenant.* to 'example'@'%' identified by 'example123';

In this example, we have a MySQL database called exampletenant, and we grant full access to the user example with password example123. Assuming our database server is, this corresponds to the database URL:


We’ll make use of this URL in the following section.

Creating the tenant configuration

Each tenant has their own set of files under the /aspace/archivesspace/tenants/ directory. We’ll define our new tenant (called exampletenant) by copying the template set of configurations and running the script to set them up. We can do this on either apps1 or apps2–it only needs to be done once:

 cd /aspace/archivesspace/tenants
 cp -a \_template exampletenant

Note that we’ve named the tenant exampletenant to match the Unix account it will run as. Later on, the startup script will use this fact to run each instance as the correct user.

For now, we’ll just edit the configuration file for this tenant, under exampletenant/archivesspace/config/config.rb. When you open this file you’ll see two placeholders that need filling in: one for your database URL, which in our case is just:


and the other for this tenant’s search, staff and public user secrets, which should be random, hard to guess passwords.

Adding the tenant instances

To add our tenant instances, we just need to initialize them on each of our servers. On apps1 and apps2, we run:

 cd /aspace/archivesspace/tenants/exampletenant/archivesspace
 ./ stable

If you list the directory now, you will see that the script has created a number of symlinks. Most of these refer back to the stable version of the ArchivesSpace software we unpacked previously, and some contain references to the data and logs directories stored under /aspace.local.

Each server has its own configuration file that tells the ArchivesSpace application which ports to listen on. To set this up, make two copies of the example configuration by running the following command on apps1 then apps2:

 cd /aspace/archivesspace/tenants/exampletenant/archivesspace
 cp config/instance_hostname.rb.example config/instance_`hostname`.rb

Then edit each file to set the URLs that the instance will use. Here’s our config/

   :backend_url => "",
   :frontend_url => "",
   :solr_url => "",
   :indexer_url => "",
   :public_url => "",

Note that the filename is important here: it must be:

 instance_[server hostname].rb

These URLs will determine which ports the application listens on when it starts up, and are also used by the ArchivesSpace indexing system to track updates across the cluster.

Starting up

As a one-off, we need to populate this tenant’s database with the default set of tables. You can do this by running the script on either apps1 or apps2:

 cd /aspace/archivesspace/tenants/exampletenant/archivesspace

With the two instances configured, you can now use the init script to start them up on each server:

 /etc/init.d/aspace-cluster start-tenant exampletenant

and you can monitor each instance’s log file under /aspace.local/tenants/exampletenant/logs/. Once they’re started, you should be able to connect to each instance with your web browser at the configured URLs.

Configuring the load balancer

Our final step is configuring Nginx to accept requests for our staff and public interfaces and forward them to the appropriate application instance. Working on the loadbalancer machine, we create a new configuration file for our tenant:

 cd /aspace/nginx/conf/tenants
 cp -a \_template.conf.example exampletenant.conf

Now open /aspace/nginx/conf/tenants/exampletenant.conf in an editor. You will need to:

Once you’ve saved your configuration, you can test it with:

 /usr/sbin/nginx -t

If Nginx reports that all is well, reload the configurations with:

 /usr/sbin/nginx -s reload

And, finally, browse to to verify that Nginx is now accepting requests and forwarding them to your app servers. We’re done!